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Diagnosis Day

picture of Bennett and his family about to hike at Chris Greene Lake

May 23rd.  Since 2013 I have struggled with this day on the calendar.  Diagnosis Day.  It was the day everything changed.  Every SMA family (or any other family that receives a serious medical diagnosis) remembers the moment that forever changed the trajectory of their family’s life. I spent the first half of 2013 scared.  Bennett wasn’t meeting some physical…

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May 2020 update

Dear Friends of Bennett’s Village, I hope this update finds you and your loved ones safe and healthy. It has been a few months since you’ve heard from us. This is in part because of how our world has been affected by the COVID-19– which has been challenging and sometimes overwhelming – and partly because there has been so…

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Help us celebrate Bennett’s 8th birthday!

May 12th is Bennett’s birthday. He should have turned 8 this year. For his 5th birthday, he asked his mom if he could have his birthday party at the ARC Park (now known as PLAY365) in Richmond. Not knowing it was the last birthday she would get to celebrate with Bennett, she told him it was too far away…

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Paint a rock for Bennett’s birthday

Bennett loved rocks—all shapes, sizes, colors, and textures. He loved polished beautiful stones from the rock store. He loved fossils. He loved sparkly gems. But he also loved the ordinary rock, found in a mud puddle. He spent many a recess asking kids and adults to pick up rocks he spied on the ground. He stopped us on the…

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