It’s been a surreal few weeks. There are all kinds of big feelings going on right now for adults and kids alike. Many of us are having to learn new ways of interacting with each other and the world. Some of us are feeling the effects of being cooped up…we miss our friends and our routines. Some of us have had adventures cancelled–adventures we have saved and planned for for so long. Some of us are worried about how we are going to pay the bills, how long we will have a job. Some of us are afraid for our health or the health of a loved one. There is lots of uncertainty and anxiety.
Many in our community are at high risk right now. Those of you who are scared for your child…we have been there. We know all too well the dangers of viruses to the medically fragile. We know the fear, the worry, the sleepless nights.
We live with the loss of Bennett everyday. And this pandemic brings up all sorts of challenges in our grief.
But we also see the good. The helpers. The kindnesses. The folks looking in on neighbors and parents. The care packages left on doorsteps. The creative ways we continue to be together in a time of social distancing. The ways in which the isolation allows for reflection and appreciations of beauty.
We at Bennett’s Village are so grateful for our community. We hope you stay safe and well. We are thinking of you all, and we look forward to a future where we can fulfill Bennett’s dream of building a place where ALL can play, together once more.